Monday, January 26, 2009

Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns

This is the title of a new book I'm reading that speaks to the promise of technology in helping us teach in new ways.

This is what one expert had to say about the book.

"Provocatively titled, Disrupting Class is just what America's K-12 education system needs--a well thought-through proposal for using technology to better serve students and bring our schools into the 21st Century. Unlike so many education 'reforms,' this is not small-bore stuff. For that reason alone, it's likely to be resisted by defenders of the status quo, even though it's necessary and right for our kids. We owe it to them to make sure this book isn't merely a terrific read; it must become a blueprint for educational transformation." --Joel Klein, Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education

A couple of parts that I noted:
Definition of intelligence: 1. The ability to solve problems that one encounters in real life. 2. The ability to generate new problems to solve. 3. The ability to make something or offer a service that is valued within one's culture.

Are we teaching students to do these three things?

Technology enables us to offer education "any time, any place, any path, any pace"

What can we do to maximize learning using technology to match student learning styles and engaging students?

1 comment:

  1. As stated - Technology enables us to offer education "any time, any place, any path, any pace"

    Our next effort in Biology 2 will be to collaboratively post some pictures of different types of tissues on our class WIKI See it at:
