Thursday, February 26, 2009

From The Web of Life by Fritjof Capra

Interesting book to be included in my class at UNI about leadership and systems change. I have included a few choice parts just to give you a feel for his message.

"We need to revitalize our communities-including our educational communities- so that principles of ecology become manifest in them as principles of education, management, and politics.

During more than three billion years of evolution the planet’s ecosystems have organized themselves in subtle and complex ways so as to maximize sustainability. This wisdom of nature is the essence of ecoliteracy.

Understanding ecological interdependence means understanding relationships. Nourishing the community means nourishing those relationships.

Sustainable patterns of production and consumption need to be cyclical.

Solar energy in its many forms—sunlight, for solar heating and photovoltaic electricity, wind and hydropower, biomass, and so on—is the only kind of energy that is renewable, economically efficient, and environmentally benign.

Economics emphasizes competition, expansion, and domination; ecology emphasizes cooperation, conservation, and partnership.

The survival of humanity will depend on our ecological literacy, on our ability to understand these principles of ecology (interdependence, recycling, partnership, flexibility, diversity—sustainability) and live accordingly."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Survey Results

Back in January I asked the teaching staff to fill out a brief survey to provide feedback to me. Following are the results. Feel free to draw any conclusions and share them with me.

Results of Administrative Survey- 23 responses January 9, 2008

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
1 2 3 4 5
2.2 When problems arise, the associate principal offers choices for solutions.
2.2 The associate principal provides opportunities for staff to work together.
2.1 The associate principal makes clear what I am expected to know and be able to do.
2.1 The associate principal asks for staff input in enforcing rules and discipline plans.
2.1 The associate principal lets me know my work is appreciated.
2.1 The associate principal encourages me to be innovative in my teaching.
2 The associate principal models the staff development strategies that we are expected to use in our classrooms.
1.9 Teamwork skills are modeled by the associate principal, not just expected.
1.8 It feels safe to express my thoughts to the associate principal.
1.8 The associate principal allows me the opportunity to solve my own problems before offering help.
1.8 The associate principal is an effective communicator
1.8 The associate principal is a self- reflective practitioner who works hard to continually improve in his job.
1.7 The associate principal asks questions that are interesting and connected to our work as a K-12 school system.
1.5 The associate principal interacts positively with staff.

2.3 I let the associate principal know that I appreciate his work.
2.2 I ask questions that are interesting and connected to the learning in our K-12 school system.
1.9 I ask for clarification when I am not sure how our team should proceed.
1.9 I implement staff development strategies in my classroom in meaningful ways to increase student achievement.
1.8 I realize that communication is a two-way street, and I ask questions when necessary to improve communication between staff and administration.
1.7 I strive to be innovative.
1.7 I do my part to make collaborative work successful.
1.7 I respectfully ask questions when I am unclear on what I am expected to know and be able to do.
1.7 I take an active role in supporting school rules and discipline plans.
1.6 When problems arise, I am willing to consider different options for solutions.
1.5 I am a self-reflective practitioner who works hard to continually improve in my job.
1.5 I make it safe for the associate principal to express his thoughts to me.
1.3 I interact positively with the associate principal.
1.3 I accept the responsibility for helping to solve problems in my classroom.

Coach Thomas

Coach Ed Thomas from Aplington-Parkersburg High School spoke at the Wartburg Chapel over the weekend. He shared several bible references, but this one stuck with me:

1 Timothy 4:12
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

It represents how Coach Thomas empowers his students and players.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Influencer

This blog is worth the time to read today:

I have been reading The Influencer: The Power to Change Anything by five authors. It has aligned interestingly with our CORE activity about Talent and deliberate practice. It actually refers to “deliberate practice” and the researchers behind the label. The book also refers to Carol Dweck’s work on fixed and growth mindsets. It’s like things just line up sometimes. The work that intrigues me the most is the Delancey Street Foundation and its success in taking thieves, prostitutes, druggies, and other criminals and helping them become contributing workers. So my train of thought is if someone out there can do it then we can to.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Postville Visit

Just a couple notes and pics of what I learned during my participation in the DE Site visit in Postville. But first thanks to all for covering for me in my time away learning.

Postville's k-8 school has more Hispanic students than white students, yet the high school has only about 18% Hispanic.

There are only two jewish students that go the the public school. The Jewish Community has their own "school" with about 100-150 students. We toured the Jewish school. This pic is of the boys' part of the school. The boys have male teachers and the girls have female teachers. Their classrooms are on separate floors of an old hospital building. The average class size is around 6.

The follwoing pic is a sketch by one of the senior Hispanic studnets.

It was an interesting and rewarding three days of learning with some great people both at Postville and from the local AEA and the Dept. of Ed.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Face to Face, too

Many of you have indicated a desire to discuss this issue "face to face". I assure you that we will make time to discuss it as a staff.

This blog is a beginning that allows everyone the opportunity to be heard and gives us all a reason to learn from each other- about our opinions and about the technology of collaboration. It also helps with the time issue of finding enough time to collaborate as a staff. But it will not replace group discussions in person.

Another interesting aside, the blogging also presents an opportunity for us to continue developing as writers as we "think on paper" about genuine issues that matter to us. Enjoy the experience.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cell Phone Policy Revision?

The student senate has presented us a possible revision and their thoughts about the policy and the process of change here at W-SR High School. Following is what they are proposing. Please read and respond. Thank you.

Electronic Device & Cell Phone Policy Review Committee

The Electronic Policy Review Committee was formed by the W-SR Student Senate to assess the current Electronic Devices & Cell Phone Policy of Waverly-Shell Rock Senior High School and recommend ways to update the school’s policy to respond to the integration of technology in today’s society.

Current W-SR Electronic Device & Cell Phone Policy (W-SR Student Handbook ‘08)
Electronic devices such as cell phones, I-pods, blackberries, portables (DVD, cassette, or radio) headset and other such devices and the use of, are prohibited.
Cell phones may be kept in lockers with the devices turned off.
A student in violation of the electronic device/cell phone policy will receive two (2) detentions and a parent will need to pick up the device at the High School Office.

Committee’s Research, Input, and Findings
The committee took input from various sources on possible policy changes including student, teacher, administrator, other school districts, and journal research on this topic.
Students were in favor of a change to the policy which has become outdated. Students offered ideas of policy revisions including: Cell phone use between classes, during lunch, during study hall, and/or assessing the punishment. Students also responded with a desire to use personal audio devices (IPods, MP3 players, etc) during study hall as a way to focus and/or relax. Students feel that carrying their cell phones and audio devices with them is more secure.
A teacher email was sent out that received little response regarding the subject. Teachers who did comment expressed concern for loosening restriction too much regarding cell phone policy. Many teachers when asked about their opinion on the cell phone policy admitted to it being outdated. Study Hall Supervisors also were asked their opinion about the use of personal listening devices during study hall. They commented that they thought that personal audio device usage would be acceptable as long as they were not disruptive.
Through communication with students and faculty of other schools and an article in the Des Moines Register, information was collected on other school’s policies and their assessment of their effectiveness. The Des Moines Register Article specifically was about a school whose cell phone policy allows for students to carry cell phones and use them between classes and during their lunch period. The article mentioned that teachers and administrators thought that the cell phone policy was effective at addressing the current issue of integrating technology in the real world, while still providing for a learning environment. A student from a school in the Cedar Rapids area was also asked about their personal audio device policy. They commented that they were allowed to use personal audio devices during study hall and also teachers could permit the use of audio devices during work time in their classes.

Summary of Proposal
The proposal that the Waverly-Shell Rock Student Senate has developed incorporates various aspects of various policies.
The main points that are included in our proposal are:
Ø Cell phone use between class periods
Ø Use of personal audio listening devices during study hall
Ø Revision of the electronic device carrying policy
Ø Increased student accountability for actions
Ø An Increase in Punishment for Policy Violation
Benefits from Proposal
The Waverly-Shell Rock Student Senate Electronic Policy Review Committee sees many benefits in revising the cell phone policy.
These benefits include:
Ø Increases student responsibility by making the student more accountable for their action with more freedoms and harsher penalties. By requiring students to pick up device from office, it makes them accountable for their own actions. It will help students learn how to responsibly possess a cell phone in society
Ø A reduction in hidden phone usage during class by allowing students a time to use their cell phones during passing. Discourages classroom use with stricter policy.
Ø Integrating technology will keep our school current with the technology advancements of the new millennium. With nearly 90% of students owning a cell phone and/or personal audio device, this technology could be utilized in a learning environment to teach students about the etiquette of phones, demonstrate social networking, research, or even connect with other students from around the world.
Ø Use of cell phone applications like calendars can be utilized to help students stay organized and eliminate paper consumption in planner production in future years.

Proposal for Revised Electronic and Cell Phone Policy
Use of electronic devices such as cell phones, blackberries, I-pods, MP3 players, portable (DVD, CD, cassette, or radio) devices, and other such devices and the use of are prohibited during class.
Personal audio listening devices (I-pods, MP3, and walkman; excluding cell phones with music capabilities) may be used with approval from study hall supervisor during study hall for personal listening. The device may only be used during study hall and should be kept off for all other class periods. Use during other times of the day will result in three (3) detentions, parent notification of policy violation, and confiscation of item. The item may be picked up by the student at the High School Office.
Cell phone use is prohibited during class periods of the school day. Cell phones may be used between class periods in the hallways. Students will be allowed to carry their cell phones with them to class but cell phones may not be heard or used during class periods. Cell phone use may not be used as an excuse for tardiness to a class and may not be used during class. If a student’s cell phone rings or is used during class, it will be confiscated, the student will receive three (3) detentions, parents will be notified of policy violation, and the student will need to pick up the cell phone from the High School Office at the end of their school day.
A student in violation of the electronic device/cell phone policy will receive three (3) detentions, parent notification of policy violation, and the student will need to pick up the device at the High School Office.
Recommended Plan of Action
The Electronic and Cell Phone Policy Committee of the Student Senate recommends the adoption of these policy amendments. The committee recommends that the policy amendments be formally presentation to the High School Administrators for review, critic, and assessment. Furthermore, the policy should be presented to faculty at a Staff In-Service Meeting for staff input. The policy would be presented to the High School Student Body at a General Assembly and/or gone over in CORE group, but an assembly preferred. The committee recommends the policy should be put on a ‘trial run’ for a two week period with assessment of policy following this trial period to determine if the policy is adequate and should be adopted into the student manual.
Additional Thoughts:
Camera phones/locker rooms policy
Harassment policy
Notification of Privilege (like in HB section for Lounge)
Possible issues and how we are addressing them