Friday, February 13, 2009

Postville Visit

Just a couple notes and pics of what I learned during my participation in the DE Site visit in Postville. But first thanks to all for covering for me in my time away learning.

Postville's k-8 school has more Hispanic students than white students, yet the high school has only about 18% Hispanic.

There are only two jewish students that go the the public school. The Jewish Community has their own "school" with about 100-150 students. We toured the Jewish school. This pic is of the boys' part of the school. The boys have male teachers and the girls have female teachers. Their classrooms are on separate floors of an old hospital building. The average class size is around 6.

The follwoing pic is a sketch by one of the senior Hispanic studnets.

It was an interesting and rewarding three days of learning with some great people both at Postville and from the local AEA and the Dept. of Ed.

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