Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Survey Results

Back in January I asked the teaching staff to fill out a brief survey to provide feedback to me. Following are the results. Feel free to draw any conclusions and share them with me.

Results of Administrative Survey- 23 responses January 9, 2008

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
1 2 3 4 5
2.2 When problems arise, the associate principal offers choices for solutions.
2.2 The associate principal provides opportunities for staff to work together.
2.1 The associate principal makes clear what I am expected to know and be able to do.
2.1 The associate principal asks for staff input in enforcing rules and discipline plans.
2.1 The associate principal lets me know my work is appreciated.
2.1 The associate principal encourages me to be innovative in my teaching.
2 The associate principal models the staff development strategies that we are expected to use in our classrooms.
1.9 Teamwork skills are modeled by the associate principal, not just expected.
1.8 It feels safe to express my thoughts to the associate principal.
1.8 The associate principal allows me the opportunity to solve my own problems before offering help.
1.8 The associate principal is an effective communicator
1.8 The associate principal is a self- reflective practitioner who works hard to continually improve in his job.
1.7 The associate principal asks questions that are interesting and connected to our work as a K-12 school system.
1.5 The associate principal interacts positively with staff.

2.3 I let the associate principal know that I appreciate his work.
2.2 I ask questions that are interesting and connected to the learning in our K-12 school system.
1.9 I ask for clarification when I am not sure how our team should proceed.
1.9 I implement staff development strategies in my classroom in meaningful ways to increase student achievement.
1.8 I realize that communication is a two-way street, and I ask questions when necessary to improve communication between staff and administration.
1.7 I strive to be innovative.
1.7 I do my part to make collaborative work successful.
1.7 I respectfully ask questions when I am unclear on what I am expected to know and be able to do.
1.7 I take an active role in supporting school rules and discipline plans.
1.6 When problems arise, I am willing to consider different options for solutions.
1.5 I am a self-reflective practitioner who works hard to continually improve in my job.
1.5 I make it safe for the associate principal to express his thoughts to me.
1.3 I interact positively with the associate principal.
1.3 I accept the responsibility for helping to solve problems in my classroom.

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