Monday, March 8, 2010

The Fourth Way- notes

Inclusive, inspiring and sustainable future

Making sense of the ICC- communities with teacher leadership making sense of them together in relation to the particular students we teach.

Both/and thinking --both phonics and whole language, both rigor and relevance, both unilateral and distributed leadership, both memorization and improvisation.

Everyone wants the smartest, most personable individuals to become their children’s teachers.

The ability to release strength to release. P .28

Recover the missionary spirit and deep moral purpose of engaging and inspiring all students. Put the passion back into learning and the pleasure in learning.

Tangible hope – a culture of optimism and inspiration

Greek philosopher, Heraclitus “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man.”

Finland p. 52

Replace the fear factor with the peer factor.

Developing and achieving purposes in positive relationships.

It is easier to be resilient when you know that there is someone- even just one person-who is on your side.

We all long for an inspiring purpose that connects us to each other and to an ideal that is greater than ourselves.

More investment in community and family development.

Students are highly knowledgeable about the things that help them learn- teachers who know their content, care for them, have a sense of humor, and never give up on them.

Do you have a passion? Are yo good at it, or can you become so? Does it serve a compelling social need?

Meaningful learning and mindful teaching Mindful teacher project- google?

Lateral learning that celebrates persistent questioning and celebration of the art and craft of teaching.

PLC 88

Tuning protocol developed by the coalition of essential schools.

A test-centered curriculum of memorizable content crowds out more interesting areas of learning and speaks less and less to them. Narrower and less-engaging.

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